Friday, January 24, 2003

Ben, When is the Colorado Trip supposed to be? Send me a date. We will be there if we can but that last two weeks of August will be interesting. If we can't come do I still have to pay?Let me know.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Jarom and Jen that is awsome!! I am so excited for all of you guys.
I talked with Ben AFTER I sent the river trip blog. I had completely forgotton (or hadn't heard - that happens to me a lot) about the Colorado trip. Obviously, most people don't have time or $ for both. Angie - I am especially sympathetic to you becuase my wife is due August 21st as well. Anyhoo, I guess the way we'll do this is to leave it up to the individual families that want to float the river with Dave to give him a call. His number is (208) 785-2500 at home. Other than that, 200 clams for a jaunt in the Colorado Rockies is a bargain. I, like Angie, just hope I can go. Ben- Regardless, you'll get your deposit in mid-february. Tootleoo.
I sent it to you Julie but I had to send it to every one else too!
Sorry every body!! Well we are doing better. Brock has been sick for about a week but he is starting to get better.
I want to hear about Jacob's girlfriend anybody know anything??
Polly, I don't think I have your address book keeps messing up. Could you e-mail me yours, and anyone elses you know in the family? Thanks so much! It was fun talking to you yesterday, I am going to check out the u. in Reno right now!

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Yes Juliette I would love to have Jakie's e-mail e-mail it to me please!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Hi all, Bryce is home now and doing much better. He spent 5 days on the pediatric floor- I think he just liked it so much last time that he wanted to go back. Just kidding! He has really chubbed up though- he is 14 lbs now! (Better him than me!) Gosh Jarom, if I wasn't breast feeding an infant I would go on that river trip in a minute!!! It really sounds like a ton of fun. Maybe we should start planning for one next summer? Ben, did you get our check? We sent 250, thinking that was the cost- so maybe you could put the 50 toward food or something. Did you decide how we are going to do the meals? I can't remember the exact dates either, can you refresh my memory?

Polly, I got a call from Jackie (Taylor) today! I sent her parents a Christmas card with my phone # and asked them to give it to her. She is in Finland- crazy huh? She is also due next month with #2, a girl. I think we must have talked for about 2 hours, it was so nice. She gave me her e-mail if you want it, let me know!