Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mom's blogging now, and mentioned I haven't updated in awhile. Reminds me of a quote I heard about blogging "Never has so much been said by so many about so little." Pretty much sums it up.

So, I'm in a holding pattern at work, I guess. The rumors of layoffs have been going around for awhile -- well not so much rumors as an announcement by the CEO, who said in December "I look forward to discussing the re-org with you in January". Odd turn of a phrase, but whatever. Well, it's January and the hammer is coming down. Word is this Wednesday there will be something like a 20% layoff. That's never good for anyone. Times like these are tough, I hope things work out.

I've been looking at various jobs out there for the likes of me, and it looks like it's not as terrible as people are saying. There are still some good positions open, but I'd probably have to move, or take a government job, or both. I'm not overly concerned about losing my job -- but layoffs always get you thinking about such things.

Morale has been pretty low. Some of the best people I know are like "I'm not about to start anything that requires any brain power until after Wednesday." I mean, sure, why would you? I told my co-workers I'd rather be a week behind next Thursday than caught up and laid off.

The family is doing well, though nothing new. Jordan is 15 1/2 now and wanted to go meet a girl at a basketball game last night. Denied. I figure now is the time when teenagers really try to start blurring the line, so I told him it sounded like a date. He'll thank me later.


holmesfamily8 said...

I hope your job is safe. You know all about our job woes as well. Life is crazy these days. Too funny about Jordan, I can't believe he is old enough to like girls! Unreal.

Tammy Smith said...

That's the truth about teenagers! But they're really just testing to see if your paying attention. LOL!

Cousin Tammy

Blogging and Bliss said...

I hope everything goes good for your job. Andy and I have kind of off an on looked We can't decide what to do... I think I am just glad we have a nice paying one right now.
I hope that the teenager thing works out for you. I will definitely be listening with every intent of seeing how it works out for you and if it does... following your advice. Keep up the blogging.(Maybe you can while your not doing anything for the next week or so....

Dolly said...

Ben-I hear ya' about job security and teens. We're hoping we can hang on to Roland's job... and my 18 yr. old thinks he's ready for marriage. *Say "no" while ya' still can! -Doll'